You can interpret "don't hate" however you will. I have some things to say about a recent, "vision impaired" date. Wasn't totally blind.
1. He lives in a retirement community. You can call it Active Adult all day long, I don't care. And as much as the Realtor in me says this is practical when you are single because the homes are smaller, no yards; the rest of me says, "Seriously"?
2. He has a Facebook account but uses a fake first and last name for it and hasn't informed any of his friends. I can't imagine how this works for him.
3. One of his first few questions to me was, "What do you think of Joel Osteen?"
4. Mandals, or Man-sandals in case you don't know the lingo.
5. Jean shorts.
"Don't hate me for posting something so rude", or "I didn't hate the date", Which is it?